
We want your shopping experience with Gabriel (le) to be easy from the very point of initial purchase. That’s why:

  • You can order as many items as you want for delivery. And, make your purchase decision only after you’ve seen the product (s).
  • You pay only after your purchase decision: to the courier or via our website.
  • Return of unpurchased products is free.
  • Within the limits of Moscow and the Moscow region, Gabriel (le) products are delivered by courier. In Saint Petersburg pick-up options and delivery by courier are available.

Delivery terms:

  • Delivery by Gabriel (le) couriers is available within the limits of Moscow and the Moscow region.
  • In Saint Petersburg, pick-up options and courier delivery are available.
  • Our courier service will be happy to help you choose the most convenient day and time for delivery.
  • Delivery cost is 490 rubles.